(Moje Holka, moje Holka)
Angela Cremonte y Goizalde Núñez
Mi niña, niña mía
By Amaranta Osorio and
Itziar Pascual
Jesús Domínguez Prize for
Play Texts, 2016
Vava Schoenova (Nava Schaan) was a famous actress in Prague before the war. In July 1942 she was deported to the Terezin Concentration Camp where she continued acting, directing and creating theatre for children and young people. One survivor of Terezin told Schaan years later: “I owe you my childhood. Being a firefly became my best memory of childhood: running across the stage singing: ‘Spring will come!’ was more for me than you can imagine!” This historic figure's past is juxtaposed with a French entomologist in the present; their separate stories are told in poetic style, with occasional touches of humor. In final scenes, the two women meet, learn of the connections between them, and relate the horrors of the Holocaust with the treatment of refugees now.
Two women:
HF, Historic
Figure. Freely based on Vava Schoenova. Portrayed at two stages of life: youth,
old age
YC, Young
Contemporary (Yvette Céline). Entomologist, she studies insects and lives in
Exterior and
Interior, representing Teresin Concentration Camp, a
contemporary ski resort, and various indoor spaces.
Past: 1942-1945
Present: 2000-2016
Mi niña, niña mía received its world remiere
at Madrid's municipal Teatro Español, Sala Margarita Xirgu, from 6 March to 7 April 7 2019, under the direction
of Natalia .
Little Girl, My Little Girl is published in The Mercurian. A Theatrical Translation Review. 9.1
(2021). The play received its English language premiere in a Zoom reading performed
by B8theatre in Concord, CA on April 17, 2021, dir. By Michele Apriña Leavy. The theatre company also performed the
original Spanish the same evening.